Prostate Cancer UK application reviewers will have their identity kept strictly confidential from applicants by both charity staff and members of the Research Advisory Committee. Reviewers’ comments on a proposal may be sent to the applicant (anonymised) as feedback, unless specified otherwise within the online form.
Anyone undertaking a review for Prostate Cancer UK must ensure that:
- The application (and any corresponding materials) remains confidential at all times.
- All documentation is stored securely and not disseminated to others.
- Any downloaded or printed materials are deleted/destroyed immediately after the review has been completed.
- Any ideas contained within the proposal are not used for any other purposes or utilised for personal gain.
- They do not discuss the application with anyone else without prior permission from the charity, nor contact the applicant about their proposal.
- Potential conflicts of interest are declared upfront (or as soon as identified) and discussed with charity staff.